Images Festival Performance Trailer Andrew James Paterson
Performer enters, looking through an antiquated view master. He puts the view master into his jacket pocket and begins a recital of sorts. View master Master view How Victorian I mean, really How analogue Not digital Perhaps monologue On-line off-line On-screen off-screen Outside the film In front of the film Inside the film (Performer reaches into pocket and retrieves a package of Super-8 film. He then inserts the package into his mouth.) Haptic Haptic Haptic Bodies in frame Bodies outside frame Body behind camera Body do editing Serious serious editing Montage straight? Mise-en-scene queer? Please explain Eisenstein Montage Collage Bricolage Performance Eternal Durable Durational Commitment Beginning middle and end Not necessarily in that order Enjoy your film Enjoy your video (Performer retrieves DVD from pocket and throws it into audience) Enjoy your document Enjoy your hybrid hybrid hybrid Enjoy your images Thank you. (Performer exits) |